Sunday, December 28, 2008


The anatomy of a name. How silly Karolina must now feel complaining about her hyphen:

While great dynasties live in the perpetual fear of not being able to arrange suitable marriages for their offspring, small dynasties - or more precisely the dynasties which reign over small states - live in the hope of concluding some profitable union. They draw a definite advantage from their political weakness: that of not being a cause of discord between their powerful neighbors (...) Following the example of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, or Hesse-Darmstadt families, the Holsteins, who were descended from the ancient house of Oldenburg, practiced a policy of matrimonial intrigue, which as the centuries passed ensured them appreciable possessions whose names went on being added to their own. Thus in the eighteenth century the reigning house of Denmark was officially called Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg.

And a handy tip for any social gathering:

The children were brought up in Spartan fashion, and Vladimir d'Ormesson relates in his Enfances diplomatiques that the young princes and princesses had been trained to hold conversation with empty chairs on which a label indicated 'British Ambassador', 'Bishop of X...', 'President of the court of appeal', etc. He tells amusingly that each week, at the Opera, in order to give the public the impression that they were holding lively conversation during the intervals, the princes and princesses had acquired the habit of counting up to a hundred and then starting all over again:
'1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,' said the Prince Royal.
'7, 8, 9, 10, 11,' replied the Princess Royal.
'12, 13, 14,' Princess Ingeborg would interpolate with determination.
'15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,' replied Princess Thyra, who was a chatterbox.
'How gay our princes and princesses are this evening!' the public would think with delight.

How gay indeed.


Krigsrotte said...

Niezle, zimny wychow ksiazatek. Sadze, ze odliczanie do setki w niektorych przypadkach mialoby wiecej sensu niz obecna logorrhea niektorych glow panstw :>

Fabrykat said...

Very silly, indeed. I should kill my husband, and get married again with a guy with some more sophisticated name.

Anonymous said...

Huh, dobrze, bo już się bałam, że powinniśmy rozmawiać na imprezach z pustym krzesłem biskupa.
(Możesz podrzucić ten pomysł Miss Filmmix, though.)

Anonymous said...

oh that princess Thyra!