Sunday, December 21, 2008

News of the World

Recently I realized I have absolutely no idea about what is going on in the world, apart from the stuff I get from The Daily Show and The Colbert Report (which is pretty US-centric). I've tried watching Polish news, but the main bulletins offered no international coverage whatsoever. I did, however, get to see a lengthy report on a bus that drove into a ditch somewhere rural. Again. I'm beginning to suspect bus-in-ditch stories are some sort of national fetish of ours. On a related note, last night Filip mentioned some cable news program with human interest stories that - according to him should probably just be called People With Holes, because day after day it's always about, like, some guy with a hole in his cheek who doesn't have health coverage, and his six blind children. (I guess i's not really funny at all, unless you consider it as emblematic of everything that is wrong with Polish journalism, so please let's do that, cause I remember laughing really hard about it last night, and now feel kind of guilty.)

Anyway, finally I just went to the BBC News website, and had an aww moment. The top stories of the day were: Afghan blast kills Danish troops, Belgian PM proposes resignation, Rivalries sharpen Ukraine crisis... but there was also this sidebar called Inside Europe, with two news items: EU agrees deal on fishing quotas and EU deal on new pesticide controls.

Oh European Union, our beacon of blah in this tumultuous world. Promise me you'll never change.

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