Friday, December 5, 2008


Met with Kajka for sushi today. She's going to the US early next year (D.C. and Maine), and wanted to hear my impressions. I find I have very little control over what I talk about when people ask me about the trip. I usually hit the core notes (Washington kinda cozy, NYC kinda overwhelming), but the rest is a pretty random selection. And mostly I just don't feel like talking about it at all. Kajka in turn feels like she's failing at life a bit right now, with various disapointments piling on one after another. She's s pretty zen about it though, if you overlook the way she drifts off from time to time.

We went to get some coffee after, and for some reason it was only then that we really got to... well, talking. Mostly about mobility, which is something I'd been thinking about recently. A while ago she went to Brazil for half a year, to teach kids art, or do something equally noble - and actually she's flying to USA to visit two of the people she met during her stay in Porto Allegre (one of them already visited her in Poland). Now she really wants to go to Africa, but it turns out the more impoverished and needy the country, the more expensive it is to live there. I'm not sure how that's possible - maybe they factor in security costs, or something. Anyway, she'd preferrably go to one of the Lusophone nations, to keep working on her Portuguese, but it's tricky.

She's also watching Buffy for the first time - currently the 7th season. We compared favorite episodes and there was practically no overlap (though she said her overall fav was The Body, so I guess we just look for different things).

As we were gradually getting ready to leave the coffee place, they played Destiny, Distractions and In the Waiting Line, one by one, which I took as a sort of musical godspeed and decided to walk home instead of taking the subway. Halfway through Park Saski my mp3 player served me Natalie Merchant's Letter, which in turn I took as a punch in the gut and getting any work done stopped being an option.

I'll totally make up for it tomorrow though. I always do.

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