Sunday, December 14, 2008

Goat cheese +7

[PSA: Sometimes I get the nucleus of, say, a Nine Princes in Amber analogy stuck in my head that just won't go away until I at least try to pin it down "on paper". In the process, I tend to forego restraint and accuracy in favor of cohesion and impact. In other words: I'm not suicidal, merely pretentious. Thank you for your attention.]

The best way to get out of a rut is to do something you don't do every day. (That will be five bucks.) I found that the easiest way to do that is to meet up with someone you rarely get to see. Exotica on a budget. I immediately tapped Natalia, whom I'd been dying to see anyway. It turned out they were having some friends over, and so, an hour later, there I was sipping wine and stuffing my face with cheese. And having my hairdo compared to Zac Efron's, which I took in stride as something you don't hear every day, ergo: desirable in my current mindframe. However revolting the thought.

The friends turned out to be Hadi, whom I'd already met on several occasions and know to be a hoot and a fellow TV series whore, Jennifer Garner, whom I'd seen in a couple of movies, and her quiet boyfriend (surprisingly enough: not Ben Affleck). Seriously though, the girl 's resemblance to the actress, at least from the profile, verged on freakish. The conversation started out with the behind-the-scenes drama in Polish media (ohhh the intrigue!), and got progressively more interesting and... well, abstract. Buying palaces near Opole, attending a Canadian gay wedding during the Gay Olympics in Toronto, getting hit on by gap-toothed editors... Somehow it kept returning to the topic of living abroad - with no effort on my behalf, if I might add. Hadi said that as of last year you don't need a visa to go to Canada for a period under 3 months. And according to Natalia, Berlin is dirt-cheap compared to Warsaw - you can rent a 70m2 apartment in fucking Kreuzberg for around 300 Euros a month. That's what you pay for a single-bedroom shithole in... Wlochy, or something. Also, the British pound is supposedly worth three doornails and a half-hearted fart right now. I'll let it all simmer some more and then see what pops out at me.

All in all, a very nice, relaxing evening. And I managed to sneak in a song Bohdan sent me a while back. This is one of those you're kind of forced to like, or at least pretend to, because it's so undeniably cool, trying to refute it makes you decidedly less than:

1 comment:

Panishka said...

tez jedna z moich ulubionych :)