Thursday, January 15, 2009


I never really got lolcats, but I'm beginning to think it's just because cats tend to annoy me (or rather: cat owners talking about their cats), and given a more palatable subject matter I might get a kick out of the format. Exhibit A: I actually laughed at the avocado one.

Then there's tweaked movie posters.

Apparently at one point in history someone at MTV gave Courtney Love 24 hours of non-stop airtime (choice bits here). Makes you wonder how much more awesome, lifesaving Celine Dion the fourfour guy could have extracted if he had a full day of footage to work with.

And finally, some Czech dude was commissioned by his government to create an installation representing the European Union Member States. And he did. Kind of. To be honest, I'm confused by the reverse Iwo Jima parallel in the Polish section, but hey - its art! (Side question: how can you tell something's made of Nazi gold?)

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