Monday, February 9, 2009

Or not

Last night I had a totally spur of the moment (20 minutes from ao's phonecall to my arrival) outing, attending some awards ceremony. Or rather: a revue of virtually all the people I'm on nod/smile* terms with disguised as an awards ceremony. There were some friends around as well though, and free booze, so it all worked out fine.

Having learned that one of the awards went to a friend, and one to a smile/nod acquaintance, I relocated (ok, was relocated by yssy) to Chlodna, which was a very good idea, as pauli was there, as well as more booze, music, and - surprisingly enough - an urge to do the dancefloor thing in a damp and sweaty basement. Four hours later I stumbled back home barely stopping myself from triumphantly roaring along to The Loneliness of a Tower Crane Driver (the second part that is) and feeling very thankful that I'm finally getting that haircut on Wednesday.

First snapshot: making an off-handed remark about leeching on Ao's friend's (not even a nod/smile acquaintance) booze, which he had offered at one point, but not to me personally. Ao deciding that the best course of action is to go and ask said friend on my behalf. Standing there with weird, mounting sensation and hearing pauli - who was barely even listening, just scanning the room with her eyes - capture it perfectly by absently offering "Well, this is gonna suck..."

Second snapshot: Feeling a surge of popecstacy** when someone put on on Be My Lover by La Bouche (the ultimate eurotrash song, absolutely craptastic). Setting my delighted gaze on yssy: packet refused. Turning to pauli: packet refused. Turning to g5: uplink established. Feeling pretty sure that if I turned to look at the dancefloor, I'd be able to see all the gay guys, glimmering in this musical blacklight.

* that's when you're allowed to say hi and stand in awkward silence if you happen to be stuck next to each other waiting on line

** a term I wish I had coined myself

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