Saturday, February 28, 2009

Due diligence

I topped off my stomach flu with a dash of regular flu. Why not be thorough while you're at it?

Turns out I won't be moving out in May, which... well, it did not make me feel great. I had already started making preliminary plans, checking out public transport, etc. I think I really need a tangible proof of progress, of not being stuck in a rut. Especially since it's become apparent that I've not yet fully escaped the death-grip of November. I know it's just a matter of being distracted by some shiny object in more immediate vicinity, but Warsaw isn't exactly sparkling at this time of year. Although - funny story... Except it's not and I seriously hope history isn't repeating itself.

I reacted to the news by having a dream in which I discovered that I'd had a comb-over for the past several years, but it was getting totally ridiculous and I had to decide what to do with it. I'm sure Freud would have a field day with it.

How do I finish this one... obviously this wasn't a fun couple of days, but things aren't really that bad? Sounds about right.

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