Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day of the Devil

The universe obviously had some issues with me today. Woke up. Noticed the computer's off (ergo: power shortage). Turned it on. No internet. An hour of fiddling with the router later I was back online, but feeling like a stressed-out zombie.

Went to the train station, picked up some package, and delivered it to a nearby office, despite the absurd security protocols (someone had to authorize my trip to the 5th floor). Then it turned out my favorite pizza provider would only deliver food in an hour or so. Then they ran out of take-out containers at the Turkish place. Came back home, ate something, fell asleep for 4 hours. In the meanwhile mother started puking her guts out. Food poisoning.

It's 1:30am. Work done today: writing 4 emails. The exertion nearly pushed me into another coma. Let tomorrow be better.

Edit: It's 6:15am. Just got up to barf.


missorange said...

i have 'em sometimes too. Sometimes I also don't manage to leave the house.
I call it a day that hasn't been.

Anonymous said...

no comment about Oscar's Night this year?

thirdperson said...

None whatsoever