Sunday, April 26, 2009


I could never fully relate to family dramas. I figured it was because my family was exceptionally issue-free. Turns out the reason was my arrested development, and now that I've finally left the nest, I find myself getting a crash-course of all the cliches you could think of. I had them over for dinner last Friday and the whole family dynamic got turned inside out. It's like this heaving, freaky blob that's mutating at the speed of light, up to a point where I'm not sure where we'll be at in a week's time.

I cooked an ungodly amount of pasta with feta cheese, olives and sundried tomatoes, and there was a lot of leftovers. The pasta turned out to be surprisingly good though, so I helped myself to two offerings today. Ergo, no lunch for tomorrow. The whole food logistics thing still eludes me.

Got a haircut. I kinda like it, but there's an issue. I'll see if I can work around it.

Need lots of random stuff for the apartment. Mop head. Scissors. Sugar bowl. Sofa. Extension cord. Salad bowl. Bowls in general. A stick of dynamite to blow the fucking armchair up. I already bought a big-ass knife, a bedspread, and new curtains. They need to be shortened though. Sigh.

You know how sometimes the only way to salvage some relative sense of self worth is by realizing that luckily there isn't enough time in the world for this other person to achieve everything they're capable of? Yeah, I figured you wouldn't.


Jo said...

hmmm, a masz kij do mopa? bo ja mam tylko te fredzle, bez kija. moglibysmy jakis deal ubic;)

thirdperson said...

Ja mam sam kij bez fredzli :D wspolna dzierzawa?