Monday, April 13, 2009


I've been feeling pretty weird for the past few days. Unsettled. This moving-in-installments business is more destabilizing than I thought. Last night I couldn't sleep because suddenly, for no apparent reason, I was convinced I hadn't locked the door on my way out, and someone probably ransacked the place. I went there today after the Easter breakfast under the pretext of moving some of my stuff. Of course everything was fine, and I celebrated by cleaning a window. One out of four. Small victory - small celebration.

Still no idea what to do with the bedroom layout. There's this horrible armchair that's taking up space that I can't get rid of (landlord's decree). And I've no bookshelves yet. And I'm not sure about the positioning of the desk. So that's been keeping me up too. I just want to get it over with though, so I'll probably transport the desktop to the new place tomorrow and that will be that.

Interior design conundrums aside - the only downside of the transition I'm concerned with right now is all the time I'l now be losing worrying about and foraging for food. But I imagine I'll have bigger fish to fry (pun! kinda!) once - finally rid of the family background static - I actually feel the full brunt of the L word. Speaking of which - the new Bat for Lashes is out, and the chorus on this thing amazing (though my favorite is still Glass).

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