Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Chinese were wrong

For reasons not really worth getting into, I hit the Internet to read up a bit on the US public debt. After a while I started feeling as if I were listening to the intro of some postapocalyptic cyberpunk video game. And it's actually not the first time I had that feeling - I got a very similar, surreal vibe when I read last year that Iceland went bankrupt. I guess I'm gonna have to start getting used to it.

It's absolutely terrifying and thrilling at the same time. How often do you witness the collapse of a true empire? It's like we're Byzantium watching Rome fall, except, you know, not at all.

1 comment:

arthur said...

My forays into the abyss of American finance have led me to two great episodes of This American Life. Polecam:

The Giant Pool of Money

Bad Bank