Monday, October 27, 2008

Now let's bump heads comically

Recently, inspired by a Sia lyric (I'm that deep), I've made a decision to just go out there, meet loads of people, and see where that gets me. So far, the results have been mixed at best, but apparently my plan ended up in some memo, cause today a supercute baker I'd been idly stalking for the past month invited me to his art show. That's got to be code for "marry me", right?

The whole thing had all the makings of a vintage Tom Hanks romcom scene, as we stuttered our way through awkward responses to misheard questions and scribbled things down on bits of paper. At a fucking BAKERY. I pray to God the art itself doesn't suck, but even if it does I'm dead-set on critiquing it favorably with all the expertise I gleaned from reading Pan Samochodzik i Fantomas.

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