Tuesday, April 5, 2011

BSG revisited

Lately I've been playing the Battlestar Galactica boardgame a lot - it's ridiculously good and very, very addictive. So much so in fact, that I've decided to re-watch the series which, from what I recall, I was never that wild about. It was more of a love/hate thing.

Anyway, I'm after the first 8 episodes or so, and wanted to jot down some general impressions:

1) the first episode (33 - the one where the Cylons catch up with the fleet every 33 minutes, and they have to keep jumping) is just fantastic. It should get an Emmy, or something. A perfectly paced, oppressive mini-movie.

2) the next one, Water, is really good too, actually, and establishes the "enemy within" problem almost as well as the previous one laid out the constant pursuit factor.

3) come to think of it, almost all the episodes I've seen so far have been good, with with the exception of two, both of which were Starbuck-centered. Number 4 (Act of Contrition) kept hammering home the whole Starbuck "killed" the Admiral's son motif over and over again, and number five (You Can't Go Home Again) is the one where she finds a dead Raider and miraculously learns to pilot it in several hours, or something. After ripping out its brain. It made about as much sense as if she had found a dead cow, ripped out its brain, crawled into it, and galloped home. Except that cow was now once again magically airtight and spaceworthy. Oh, and produced oxygen, even though it was dead.

4) the guy playing Baltar is a horrible actor. And I find I can't suspend my disbelief enough to see how anyone would treat him with even a sliver of respect, seeing as he spends half the time talking to air in public, fidgeting, and at one point even fucking an empty table. I'm not completely on board with the character psychologically either, and so I couldn't understand why he would hide the fact that Boomer was a Cylon from the rest of the fleet, but in the last episode it was hinted that he kind of did the same for Ellen, so now it seems he has simply disassociated himself from the human race. If they keep pushing the assumption that he's basically only interested in his own survival and believes in this "God's plan" Six has been brainwashing him with - I'll bite. That actually seems plausible.

5) Adama is a pretty shitty Admiral. I hope they didn't try to sell him as some sort of military genius anywhere down the road, since he already risked the entire fleet for Starbuck, and said outright that if it had been his son who crash-landed, they'd keep looking until the Cylons killed them all. Horrible military leader. Also, Adama/Apollo bonding scenes are excruciating. I think they have their own musical cue too - it involves bagpipes and induces vomit.

6) Apollo is very pretty though. He has those insane cheekbones that actually result in concave cheeks. Pretty, not handsome, but pretty works for me.

7) On that subject, there was a sex scene with Helo on New Caprica and they didn't show even a bit of skin. That's what I call wasting your actor's major (only?) asset. Made absolutely no sense.

8) Final bit of eye-candy roundup: Crashdown. I didn't remember this character at all, but he's there, kind of hulking and sickly pale, like a sexy sexy cadaver.

9) Tricia Helfer is spectacular as Six. Sensuous and menacing and fragile and pious and zealous. She does it all.

10) Cylons in general are fascinating and - at least so far - very well-written. I was surprised to find that certain characteristics I had learned to associate with various models were hinted at from the very beginning of the series, which means that they actually knew where they were going with it all, or at least were mindful not to contradict themselves as they made things up on the go.

That's it for now.


Emayef said...

so i wrote a long comment only to have it evaporated by Blogger. thanks, Blogger.

to wrap it up in three words before i need to head off:

i acknowledge the shortcomings, as some of the episodes turned out to be utter crap, but still i find enough things of great quality (like your points one and two, and nine.) to outweigh the jarring missteps.

three: the raider was probably supposed to let us know of Starbuck's capital-dee destiny. too bad it wasn't made clear from the start, would have been easier to suspend disbelief.

four: Callis did a good job of making the most universally despised character of the decade. tip of the hat to the King of Sleaze. and hasn't Head Six been convincing him from the start that he wasn't on anybody's side?

eight: image googling Sam Witwer never is a bad idea.

ten: i think that Starbuck, Baltar and Hera-slash-Roslin-slash-Opera_House have been plotted out from the start. the Final Five was botched though, except maybe for Chief's involvement.

thirdperson said...

4) we'll have to agree to disagree on the acting. And no, by the time he hid the fact that Boomer's a Cylon it wasn't clear. IT became more clear after Ellen, but still quite touch-and-go. And he railed against Head Six repeatedly for the genocide etc., as if he felt he was on "humanity's side"

8) the images I found don't do much for me, but he's quite a sight in motion

10) no hint of final five yet, all the things you mentioned are already being introduced, but I also meant the "it has all happened before and will happen again" stuff, and Leoben's prophecies in particular.