Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Over Indeed

This one's been brewing for a while, but somehow I never found the words. Still haven't, to be honest. Other than Spring is here, and life does not suck.

At around 4:30p.m. the sunset-ish light hits the kitchen windows just right, scattering rectangles of warmth all over my floor.

Mom showed me a peculiar toy store across the street from my apartment. It can only be accessed from the courtyard, and it's filled with really old school teddy bears, hand puppets, caleidoscopes - generally all the stuf that makes you go mushy and nostalgic. And in the back there's this short flight of winding stairs that leads you to a small salon with an old couch, a tea table, a wooden horse, and shelves filled with old, used fairy tale books, music boxes... the decor is so perfectly infused with the essence of childhood it's almost creepy. But it's not. It's wonderful.

I had lunch with Gosia at an Indonesian restaurant nearby. The food was sublime, I'm totally going back. Although the place was deserted - we were the only guests. I hope they don't go out of business or something.

I'm going to Krakow at the end of April, to Berlin towards the end of May, and to a land of comic book make-believe shortly after. Kind of figured out a costume for the last one. Just need white pants.

Yoav's new record is coming out in a few days. Really looking forward to it. After that Natlie Merchant, Sarah McLachlan, Sia and Roisin Murphy. And possibly some others.

The dog days are over.


Michał Oleszczyk said...

"Rectangles of warmth", aw...! I knew there was a romantic buried somewhere underneath the wise-guy routine! I'm not sneering, mind you.

thirdperson said...

Something tells me you're itching for some abuse