Monday, March 30, 2009


On Wednesday, I'm getting the keys to my very first apartment. I'm looking forward to a life revolving around making ends meet and eating cardboard seasoned with cardboard leftovers from the previous day.

It's a 10 minute walk from my parents', even closer to the public transport hubs, and a stone's throw away from the biggest local open-air market. It's smallish, but nice. I'm currently consumed with issues of Internet access and furniture - I need some sort of table/desk for The Room (there's only one, so I don't really know what to call it), and a sofa for the kitchen. I know it sounds weird, but the kitchen's kinda big, and when I went to see the apartment, instead of chairs, there was this purple sofa (unfortunately the previous tenant is taking it with him), and I just loved the idea.

Especially since you can bet I'll have Internet access in the kitchen as well. Even if it means wiring the whole place. I'll have to look into wifi. Can you have both? Reliable, cable broadband for the desktop, and magical airborne Internet for laptop youtube on the loo?

Luckily Demencja's a total ebay freak - seriously, to the point of being certifiable - and she's busy scouring the land for good deals. Actually, she already found a huge pine table for PLN 70 (USD 20, for my huge international readership).

Crazy, crazy stuff.


Krigsrotte said...

Can you have both? Reliable, cable broadband for the desktop, and magical airborne Internet for laptop youtube on the loo?

Yes, you can has!
Kupujesz normalny router z wifi, wtykasz z jednej strony modem kablowki, z drugiej strony kabel do karty sieciowej, a z trzeciej strony automagicznie nadaje sie wifi. Konfiguracja jest prosta jak konstrukcja cepa, ale w razie co moge pomoc.

Anonymous said...

Cudownie! Jak następnym razem przyjadę do Wawy, zaprosisz mnie na swoje włości i uraczysz drogim winem i kawiorem, right?

missorange said...

Finally, you'll never get on my nerves anymore asking "where is your money going? you're always broke!"

Anonymous said...

ooo, GRATULACJE! czy to oznacza ze bedziemy jeszcze blizszymi somsiadami?zglaszam sie zatem z pomoca aprowizacyjna( mam np sporo przypraw ktore poprawiaja kartonu smak)ne

Unknown said...

czuję się zaproszona, tak? TAK? no powiedz, że tak!

thirdperson said...

Senkju senkju za wszystko i tak zapraszam wszystkich jak dopne guziki :)

Unknown said...

o jezu dopnij koniecznie bo byłoby straszne gdybyśmy przyszli a ty taki niedopięty...