Thursday, December 2, 2010

The U Factor

In yet another attempt to burn through my backlog of movies, I watched Eulogy and Elegy. The first one was pretty atrocious - I actually groaned outloud several times. An ensemble dramedy with a lot of wasted ensemble. Elegy was better, but unfortunately too remote to make some sort of connection. It dealt mostly with aging and adultery, subjects I'm not intimately familiar with, so my mind wandered. Still, it had Patricia Clarkson (in a small role, unfortunately), and was quite beautifully constructed and shot. Very subdued, but evocative. Only once the credits rolled did I realize that it was one of Isabel Coixet's - which was probably why I got it in the first place.

And there was one brilliant exchange, between the main character, played by Ben Kingsley, and his estranged son (Peter Sarsgaard). I've uploaded it here, if anyone feels like watching 2 minutes of solid acting with a deliciously scathing conclusion.

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