Friday, August 14, 2009

The case for/against BB

Some time ago I happened upon this song with a rather killer (if somewhat rockchick) intro that got me giddy from the first note. And then the chorus happened. And giddy was a thing of the past, buried under layers of soulcrushing blandness. I was so disapointed I actually shared the story with several people. The song was Another White Dash, the artist - Butterfly Boucher.

Well I recently listened to her 2nd record, and it turns out it's just what she does. Builds up your expectations with something full of promise only to crush them with the most generic chorus you could imagine.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

I know it's all subjective, de gustibus blah blah blah, but in my case it's literally fusing an instant hit with an instant miss. Sad panda.

1 comment:

missorange said...

You're absolutely objectively right on this.