Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I dreaded coming back here and reading what I wrote that night - I was so drunk I could only remember that I barfed SOMETHING into the Internet, but had no recollection of the actual content.

It's not good, but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Small favors.

I'm trying to settle into the new flat. It's not going great. Nothing has collapsed, per se, but a lot of things started wobbling at once, and I found myself without anything to hold on to. Case in point: I was actually looking forward to getting back to translating a horrible 6-hour-long artsy film called HITLER, because it was familiar ground. Structure.

Listening to a lot of weepy McLachlan stuff today, a bit surprised at how comforting it is. Just something I know well, I guess.

Again, nothing bad is happening. I just can't seem to find my footing for the moment, and one of the wobbly bits traditionally terrifies me.

Enough self-indulgence, back to work.

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