Friday, February 5, 2010


The curse of Brick persists. First I bought a DVD without English subtitles (which makes the film all but impossible to decipher for non-native speakers), then I got the US version with subtitles but lent it to someone and have been unable to recover it since, and now I ordered another copy from Amazon and the package got lost in the mail.

In other news - apparently handsome nerds attract Asian spambots. Hence the deleted comments 2 notes down.

Trying to muster up the will to go out and:
a) buy a new USB storage thingie, as I've lost mine yet again
b) buy some... air in a can, I guess. My DVD drives have completely stopped reading CDs and DVDs and I was told it could just be the lens getting dusty
c) collect my Florence and the Machine tickets
d) grab some DVDs for work

It's not going well, mostly because Zlote Tarasy irk me.

Oh - for some reason blogger started treating breaks (hitting the Return/Enter key) as starting a new paragraph. In other words, hitting it now results in a BRACKETpBRACKET, as opposed to BRACKETbrBRACKET*, which is really annoying. I basically have to micro-manage the editing in HTML as I write. Anyone know if there's a way to fix this?

* no idea how to write this thing so that it doesn't get interpreted as code


jaarr. said...


Michał Oleszczyk said...

Let me put your mind at ease: us non-handsome nerds also get spammed by this Asian mafia. Unless that thing I deleted was a profound comment on my review of LOURDES.

thirdperson said...

jarr: thanks :)
michal: just to clear something up, "handsome nerd" = the dude from the clip that got commented on by the bots :D

Michał Oleszczyk said...

Well, he's a nerd, I'll give you that :)