Friday, June 29, 2012

Fragile states

I'm exhausted, and there's still 3 weeks of work left, followed by ultra-intense work during the festival itself. I'm coping, but it's not terribly fun.

Found this picture on the Internet today:

Something about that critter's face does a number on me. I know it's supposed to be smiling, but all I'm getting is sad, scared, lost, and alone.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ginger Beer

I usually manage to write something here when I'm traveling, but this time there didn't seem to be any social downtime. Plus I didn't bring my laptop.

Now things are winding down, and I have arrived at the "closing of doors" state of mind. I like it here. It's kind of nostalgia meets smell the roses - people appear warm and lovable, the couch is extra comfy, and even the still unopened plastic bottle of Ginger Beer on the counter seems like good memory snapshot material.

No epiphanies though, just swirling mood magma.