Tuesday, April 24, 2012

You fucking meatball

I don't quite see him building an intercontinental ballistic missile anytime soon, but I feel like my absolutely uber-shallow crush has been somewhat validated. Seems like a genuinely nice guy, and even has a few funny moments.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Several muses short

Today, I found myself vaguely wishing that I were more creative. I've been listening to this song...

...and the first thing I latched onto was the line "I will stay for this last transformation". For some reason it connected, and I got a little story going in my head about it being a farewell song to a mercurial and possibly self-destructive friend. Then I read the lyrics, and it doesn't really seem that way, but I've grown so attached to the previous reading that I almost considered trying to write something of mine, with that line as a starting point.

Except I wouldn't even know where to begin.

I wonder why the image of this particular type of farewell clicks with me. I think it's the emotional disconnect, or emotional compoundness, rather - playing along one last time because you want to milk these last moments for everything you loved about the person, but already knowing that it's over. On one hand you want to be in the moment, to make it real, but on the other - you're already having a completely different experience, informed by your awareness of the endgame. I guess it's a bit like telling the dying guy that yeah, we won, even as the world burns around you - except without the cumbersome pathos. Which would make it a close cousin of my absolute favorite: the calculated and resigned (as opposed to determined/heroic) last stand.

And there we go, resonance mapped. I guess this sort of psychobabble is the closest I'll ever get to writing a song.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


* woke up
* read some Internet
* pedaled all the way through an episode of Downton Abbey (I did not see the Ottoman anal sex coming)
* fixed a minor crisis caused by my co-worker
* did the laundry
* went out for lunch
* bought some anti-clothes-moth hanger thingie, as well as several other household items
* and stuff for breakfast (I haven't eaten any for the past 5 days, holidays are horrible)
* shaved, sort of
* noticed the bananas are getting way too ripe, so made a smoothie out of them
* with a dollop of honey, as I ran out of milk and no one likes a sour smoothie on pure natural yoghurt
* noticed the windows are filthy, but no way am I cleaning them now

Feeling very accomplished. Time to get some work done.

Also, this is a pretty decent album:

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Tile unlocked

So apparently one of the key questions in life is: How hungry are you, exactly?

Which is bullshit. I want to be instantly launched head-first into places beyond questions. Wham. End of story.

Except my whams are all ker-splats.

Enlightenment pending.