Since it seems I'm giving insomnia another spin, I might as well get this one out too:
I've recently found myself defending Dollhouse on several fronts (friends, reputable sites, etc.). Or rather: distancing myself from it outwardly, while trying to diffuse - and hopefully invalidate - the criticisms in my own head. Finally, after seing this, obviously sympathetic, strip, and reading the accompanying commentary, I asked myself: what do I really think about the show? Do I truly sort of like it already? Or is it just a kneejerk reaction, springing from some bizarre loyalty to Joss Whedon? Maybe I'm simply unable to acknowledge this apparently obvious suckage?
The answer came fairly quickly: I will keep watching it - and not as an "expression of gratitude" for his previous works, but simply because a lot of the "other things I can do with my Goddamn television" aren't really worth doing. There's just too much stuff out there, and I'm really tired of endlessly wading through shit to find something memorable. In a world where even the most promising concepts (Psychic bumpkins? Vampires in Louisiana? HBO? Yay!) can turn into borderline hilarious soft porn when made flesh, groping blindly has lost a lot of its allure. So I'm gonna stick with Whedon until Dollhouse gets cancelled, just like I'm probably gonna stick with whatever the guys who made The Wire or Slings and Arrows do next. I just like my chances better with them.
I've recently found myself defending Dollhouse on several fronts (friends, reputable sites, etc.). Or rather: distancing myself from it outwardly, while trying to diffuse - and hopefully invalidate - the criticisms in my own head. Finally, after seing this, obviously sympathetic, strip, and reading the accompanying commentary, I asked myself: what do I really think about the show? Do I truly sort of like it already? Or is it just a kneejerk reaction, springing from some bizarre loyalty to Joss Whedon? Maybe I'm simply unable to acknowledge this apparently obvious suckage?
The answer came fairly quickly: I will keep watching it - and not as an "expression of gratitude" for his previous works, but simply because a lot of the "other things I can do with my Goddamn television" aren't really worth doing. There's just too much stuff out there, and I'm really tired of endlessly wading through shit to find something memorable. In a world where even the most promising concepts (Psychic bumpkins? Vampires in Louisiana? HBO? Yay!) can turn into borderline hilarious soft porn when made flesh, groping blindly has lost a lot of its allure. So I'm gonna stick with Whedon until Dollhouse gets cancelled, just like I'm probably gonna stick with whatever the guys who made The Wire or Slings and Arrows do next. I just like my chances better with them.