Monday, October 27, 2008

Now let's bump heads comically

Recently, inspired by a Sia lyric (I'm that deep), I've made a decision to just go out there, meet loads of people, and see where that gets me. So far, the results have been mixed at best, but apparently my plan ended up in some memo, cause today a supercute baker I'd been idly stalking for the past month invited me to his art show. That's got to be code for "marry me", right?

The whole thing had all the makings of a vintage Tom Hanks romcom scene, as we stuttered our way through awkward responses to misheard questions and scribbled things down on bits of paper. At a fucking BAKERY. I pray to God the art itself doesn't suck, but even if it does I'm dead-set on critiquing it favorably with all the expertise I gleaned from reading Pan Samochodzik i Fantomas.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Gaze into the crystal

For some reason I had no problems deciding where to post this one. I'll analyze that fact once I'm a wee bit more sober.

So, tonight I went to this... actually, I'm still not sure what it was exactly, but let's call it a dinner, as Darek's stand-in whatever. It was at his university professor's apartment, and from what I gathered it was supposed to be some sort of... once again, I can't even say for sure, but my impression was something along the lines of Dorothy Parker's salon for deviants - the university dude presiding over a menagerie of his "promising" students of the homosexual persiasion (and their stand-in whatevers, obviously). I know, sounds bizarre, but at the same time it was intriguing enough for me to give it a try, and frankly, I'm in no position to refuse attending a meeting of gay linguists with pop culture inclinations.

As it turned out, it was the university dude, his partner, their university friend, his insanely Hot Spanish Lovah (TM), who also works at the university, and some guy from TV. Plus me and Darek. Let me reiterate: well-to-do, accomplished intellectuals in their prime, and a faux-jailbait topping. For the life of me, I still can't figure out the evening's formula, but for the first hour or so I pretty much felt like some sort of exotic critter brought in for entertainment. No, scratch that: the exotic critter's stand-in whatever. Then I finally ingested enough wine to shut down my WTF node, and enjoyed myself immensely listening to stories about scornful Galician mother-in-laws and university politics.

The surreal feel of the entire situation was compounded by the fact that it all took place in this amazing apartment with an enormous balcony, leather furniture, loads of books and DVDs, and a gigantic flatscreen TV playing - I shit you not - Madonna videos. I really wish there were an emoticon for running your fingertips over your lips to make crazy-person sounds, cause that's exactly what I need to punctuate that sentence. It was just madness, and not the Spartan kind.

But at the same time, I had a lot of fun, and all those people seemed genuinely happy and at ease, and some even had Hot Spanish Lovahs (TM) (seriously, I'm not partial to that particular type, but God DAMN), and I found myself thinking: if this is my future, where's the fast-forward button.

Still, the highlight of the evening came when I was being driven home by Darek, listening to his playlist of Balkan abortion anthems and other such, when suddenly he went "guess what I have here though!", skipped several tracks, and on came Who Will Save Your Soul from VH1 Storytellers. By Jewel. Now, the hilarity of Darek listening to Jewel is probably lost on... well, just about everyone who doesn't know him, but I damn near peed my pants right there. Mostly with delight.

Yup. An evening to remember.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Quick reboot

I don't know how it speaks to my character that my first transitional creation got aborted halfway down the birth canal, but whatcha gonna do. The first name I came up with - Neon Express - was basically just a nice, generic prefix coupled with an all-purpose suffix. Fluff and vowelage, signifying nothing. But then I found this purdy sign, fell in love with it, plastered it on front and center, built the entire color scheme around it... and it's really kind of heavy-duty. This shit be grim. So the name got adjusted accordingly.

And that's precisely how you recognize solid, thought-provoking content - it's always posted under headers inspired by random google image searches. A little bit of insider info there for you.


Yssy just called to ask how long the Sia gig we attended earlier this year lasted, because she just happens to be in Dublin for a day, and just happened to pick up the newspaper, and apparently Sia just happens to be playing some Dublin club tonight. And she's wondering if she'll be able to make it to the venue before the proper set starts.

I would have strangled her with the phone cord, but a) I was on my mobile (damn you, technological advancement!) and b) she's in Dublin (damn you,!) so I'll just have to settle for weeping enviously into my blanky.

Edit: apparently she didn't make it to the concert after all, which didn't make me feel better at all. Where's shadenfreude when you need it?

Can't believe they pulled it off

I love me some stunt casting! Seriously, how awesome is it that Tina Fey's Queen of Showbiz for the moment? It certainly makes a helluva more sense than the whole Gossip Girl phenomenon. To be honest though, I don't really see her single-handedly winning the election for the Democrats with her Palin impersonations, as some journalists claim (I'd link to said journalists' articles, but I read something to that effect too long* ago to remember where it was from. Or maybe I dreamt it?)

Anyway, go Tina! And good luck with the inevitable backlash!

* i.e. around two days - behold the Internet news cycle!

Woe is a three-letter word

So, I'm not exactly sure how this thing is going to work. I never understood the idea of having multiple blogs. It seems like so much fuss, and a bit schizophrenic to boot. However, I do need to get legally adopted by some well-off Vancouver family at some point (duh!), and chances of them deciphering what a delight I'd be around the condo from my Polish scribblings are pretty slim. And on the flipside, I've always felt kind of douchey and pretentious posting in English on the old blog. So here we are.

Except, as I've already stated above, I'm not sure where "here" is yet.